part of Tim Leary's SMIILE formula (more)

The area of space around a celestial body that is dominated by the body's gravitational field. (more)

fictional detective (more)

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right relative to the 1950s.

creator of ELIZA

Rusty Guinn: Welcome to Metaworld. that’s a damn big gap between the top cluster and everything else.... The network map is an arrangement of 4,804 articles from the Lexis-Nexis Newsdesk database published by broad-circulation, US-based outlets between January 1, 2021 and July 15, 2021 referencing violent crime. And the most influential lavender cluster…well, that’s the thing. It’s a cluster defined by people writing about how other people are writing about violent crime. In short, welcome to Metaworld, in which articles which explain the news increasingly ARE the news. (fiat news) (more)

Ben Hunt: "Yay, College!" Part 1: The Smiley-Face Super-Villainy of American Higher Education. (more)

Ben Hunt: Being Human in a LARPing World. That’s a painting of Alexander the Great “untying” the Gordian Knot. You remember the story, right? (more)

Luke Burgis (Epsilon Theory): 25 Anti-Mimetic Tactics for Living a Counter-Cultural Life. Luke Burgis wrote a book that I think is really good. It’s called Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday Life. (more)

The Robb Elementary School shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on May 24, 2022, in Uvalde, Texas, United States, when 18-year-old Salvador Ramos,[5][6] a former student at the school, fatally shot 19 students and two teachers, while 17 others were injured but survived.

The mimetic theory of desire, an explanation of human behavior and culture, originated with the French historian, literary critic, and philosopher of social science Rene Girard (1923-2015). The name of the theory derives from the philosophical concept mimesis, which carries a wide range of meanings. In mimetic theory, mimesis refers to human desire, which Girard thought was not linear but the product of a mimetic process in which people imitate models who endow objects with value.[1] Girard called this phenomenon "mimetic desire", and described mimetic desire as the foundation of his theory: "Man is the creature who does not know what to desire, and he turns to others in order to make up his mind. We desire what others desire because we imitate their desires." (more)

David Banks on Clusters of Talent. The most important question we can ask of historians is ``Why are some periods and places so astonishingly more productive than the rest?'' (more)

Ben Hunt on Freedom of Speech, Rich Men of Reach. Many (if not most) Americans believe that one of these two people — either rich-men-north-of-richmond singer Oliver Anthony or teenage-climate-activist Greta Thunberg — is an authentic overnight sensation. Zero Americans, however, believe that both Oliver Anthony and Greta Thunberg are authentic overnight celebrities (more)

Rusty Guinn: They Fought the Gyre ... and the Gyre Won. It is hard for me to imagine a message any more innocuous than the one promoted in the last few months by He Gets Us, a media initiative of a charity called Servant Foundation. (more)

MIDI controller that mimics wind instruments, like the Baritone Sax. (more)

Management by objectives (MBO), also known as management by results (MBR), was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of Management.[1] Management by objectives is the process of defining specific objectives within an organization that management can convey to organization members, then deciding on how to achieve each objective in sequence. This process allows managers to take work that needs to be done one step at a time to allow for a calm, yet productive work environment. (more)

Alan Cooper: The Endless Battle (more)


This is the publicly-readable WikiLog Digital Garden (20k pages, starting from 2002) of Bill Seitz (a Product Manager and CTO). (You can get your own pair of garden/note-taking spaces from FluxGarden.)

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Beware the War On The Net!



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